Joseph Smith and the Latter Day Saints Review

Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration (2005) Poster

10 /10

A Cute Story - A Moving Movie

Alarm: Spoilers

Warning: mild spoilers.

The story of Joseph Smith stands out as an amazing - even moving - episode in American history and Globe Religious history. This movie portrays events in the life of Joseph Smith, whom Mormons revere equally the prophet of the restoration of the true Church of Jesus Christ on the earth. I've then far seen the film twice in its first month of public showing.

Joseph Smith is shown start to be the youngest of a trio of brothers (Alvin, Hyrum & Joseph) who, at a very immature age, needed an operation. The functioning, done without our modernistic conveniences, was bloody and difficult. The scene helped to show the cohesiveness of the Smith family and the bonds between the brothers and between Joseph and his parents.

Joseph'due south religious confusion and subsequent praying which lead to what Mormons telephone call the First Vision was interestingly portrayed. The face of Jesus is never shown, but y'all see the unmistakable nail marks in His hands. The rejection by religious leaders and many in his small New York community is sweetened at least slightly by Joseph's marriage to Emma.

This movie does not clearly map out the events of Mormon Church building history, only merely jumps from scene to scene. This is not a critique - simply a note about the style.

The exercise of tarring and feathering is shown, and it is especially dramatic and moving when Joseph delivers a sermon nigh the Savior'southward honey with a scarred face from having recently been attacked.

The movie masterfully portrays simultaneously the joy and growth of Mormonism every bit an infant church, while at the same time the ever-deepening opposition that spread into the heights of local governments.

The film shows many scenes from Joseph'south life, including a few beautiful moments portraying his relationship to Emma. An try is made to show the depth and complexity of Joseph'southward life, including his fierce honey for his married woman, his endless love for children, his wit, his courage in the face of filthy and dangerous opposition, his religious sentiments, and his pity.

As Joseph and Hyrum ride to Carthage, never to return dwelling alive, most of the characters from throughout the movie, whose lives had been touched by Joseph, are shown along the style, helping to reinforce what was already seen but setting up the last scene to be more powerful.

At the terminate, the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum is portrayed, and moviegoers are left to ponder the events they merely witnessed.

When I first watched the picture show I causeless information technology was made past the Church to introduce Joseph Smith to non-members. I no longer think that is the instance, although I promise the movie tin can do just that. As an insider, I notice that the film is a celebration of Joseph and excellently reinforces the adept things we already know about him. I am curious to see how outsiders will view the film - whether they will only see it as propagandic, an epic story of an American religious man, or something else.

The pic is beautifully shot, family friendly, moving and, hopefully, something good for anybody. That the events portrayed actually happened in these United States of America is interesting to ponder in light of the many aspects of our culture - including freedom of religious expression and respect (generally) for the police force - nosotros moderns take for granted.

UPDATE: Old in 2011 the movie was re-worked. I've heard (from missionaries serving on Temple Square) that the new movie is 65% new footage - and I've heard that it is 65% old footage. Regardless, many of the scenes from the get-go version of the movie are intact, and many are new.

The most significant divergence is the story itself, and the touch on of the story. Here is a brief comparison:

Old Motion picture: Story narrated by a catechumen who was sharing her excitement about her new faith with her non-Mormon father as she traveled to Nauvoo. She unfolds the story of the life of Joseph Smith to her father, and when they finally arrive at Nauvoo, Joseph is on his manner to exist martyred, and she ends her narration with a line, "you lot don't accept to accept seen the Prophet to know he truly was a human of God" (or something similar that).

NEW FILM: Narrated by an older woman's voice, it turns out to be the testimony of Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph'south mother, and equally she tells the events of Joseph'south life she is able to make it very personal since she was an center-witness to much of it. Her identity is not revealed until the end, when it shows her endmost her testimony

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10 /10

Peachy motion-picture show

Afterward reading the comments to this movie and seeing the mixed reviews, I decided that I would add together my x cents worth to say I thought the moving picture was fantabulous, not only in the visual beauty, the writing, music score, acting, and directing, but in putting across the story of Joseph Smith and the road he traveled through life of hardship and persecution for assertive in God the way he felt and knew to exist his path. I am very pleased, indeed, to have had a modest part in telling the story of this remarkable man. I recommend everyone to run into this when the opportunity presents itself, no matter what religious path he or she may exist walking, this only instills one with more than conclusion to live the life that we should with truthful values of love and forgiveness equally the Savior taught usa to practice.

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eight /10

It's a statement most the church as well as a moving-picture show

This movie makes a statement nigh Joseph Smith, what he stood for, and what the LDS church building believes. With all the current media coverage of a certain fugitive people accept confused the LDS church with the FLDS church building and criminal avoiding Warren Jeffs. Jeffs is Not associated with the LDS church yet media groups internationally have asked for comments nigh Jeffs from The LDS church. Jeffs is non mentioned in the moving-picture show at all but I recollect that it is ironic that this motion picture with all it's points virtually Joseph besides point away from the fews of the FLDS church and their leader at this time in the media world. This is a moving-picture show nearly Joseph Smith and a dandy one at that. Some of the almost obvious differences between Jeffs and Joseph is portrayed in Joseph's humanity, acceptance and love. Jeffs views and opinions differ profoundly from Joseph Smith and the LDS Church and it is seen in this motion-picture show. Jeffs thinks of the "Negro" as devils. Joseph Smith knew they were children of god and gave upwardly his wife's favorite horse to a African American (sometime slave) to buy his son'southward freedom. Joseph is shown doing housework for his wife Emma and is criticized by a member until Joseph tells him that a man may lose his married woman in the adjacent life if she chooses not to stay with her married man and that doing chores is a manner to help and cherish your wife. Jeffs brought 1 of his polygamist wives to her knees in front of a course full of students past grabbing her complect and twisting it painfully till she came to her knees. Lastly Joseph participated with police force enforcement and sought aid from the regime at all times. Jeffs thumbs his nose at authorities and flees at all times.

I loved this movie and if you don't know much about Joseph Smith and what the LDS church believes, then this is the picture to run across. And if you had confused the LDS Church with the FLDS church so you really need to get your deed together. We are not much different from anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, the Sanctity of matrimony and the family, as well a patriotic to our homeland and country. Nosotros are all different also just like you tin find different protestants, Presbyterians, methodist, baptist and Catholics. What's of import is our message and what we stand for. This movie trys to portray that but there is so much of Joseph's life that can't be covered in a mere 2 hour moving-picture show. This was a really great show.

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3 /10

The Passion of Joseph

Warning: Spoilers

I saw this film over the weekend and while I was impressed as ever with the dazzler and smooth of Church-produced films, I left disappointed that this one fell so brusk, declining to inform members and leaving investigators with many unanswered questions.

The movie is seventy minutes of vignettes from the life of Joseph Smith. It's not a truthful biopic considering at that place'south no real coherent narrative. Near of the episodes concern Joseph doing adept deeds, playing baseball game, running races and laughing with children, oftentimes in sloooow motion. What a groovy, just folks kind of guy that Joseph was, huh? Look at him out there beating rugs for his wife Emma. Well, howzbout the rugs of his 33 plural wives?? No mention any is made of polygamy. A glaring omission.

And information technology is in such omissions where the moving picture falters. Information technology supplies too little information and leaves critical thinking audience members wondering WHY is Joseph getting tarred and feathered, WHY is he getting thrown in jail and WHY does that mob desire to kill him? The movie's climax is of course Joseph and Hyrum'due south trek to Carthage jail (riding past a veritable Un of faces looking out from Nauvoo's doorways). But no mention is ever made nearly WHY. Nix nearly Smith suppressing the Nauvoo Expositor paper and ordering its press destroyed for its revealing the secret didactics of polygamy. The audience is left to wonder or to assume it's simply more baseless persecution of the Church. No mention of Joseph being charged with treason for declaring martial law and calling out the Nauvoo militia.

Of course I certainly did not expect this Church-produced film to present the Joseph of Richard Bushman'southward recent biography Crude Stone Rolling, but I was surprised and taken aback at just how little of substance was really presented.

And worse, what substance that was presented was ofttimes inaccurate. Two examples jumped out at me. Get-go, the translation of the Volume of Mormon. The film shows Joseph reading correct off the golden plates in their 2-ring folder, which plates in reality were hidden far from the site. It'due south well known that Joseph did his translating by burial his face in his lid, peering at the seer stone in there. The second inaccuracy occurs at Carthage jail, where the mob storms the cell. The History of the Church reports that Joseph had a 6-shooter and even fired off a few rounds before jumping out the window and giving the Masonic signal of distress (every bit reported in Times & Seasons).

Possibly showing the reality of the gunfight would have shattered the center-tugging mood the filmmakers had created, only by omitting it they were unfaithful to history and failed to prove Joseph as he really was: handy with a gun and able to defend himself. In fact, the impression the film gives is that Joseph was a dainty guy, simply besides something of a milquetoast that everybody crush upward, tossed in jail and somewhen murdered in cold blood. He was far from that; Joseph was a disciplined and determined man who endured a lot of hardship and struggle to bring to fruition that in which he believed.

Encounter the picture, but know going in that's it'southward cotton candy. Then get your meat and potatoes by reading a copy of Bushman'due south biography of Smith, Rough Stone Rolling

PS: Church-produced films accept no credits, but seasoned eyes can pick out a couple familiar faces. Rick Macy is excellent as Joseph Smith, Sr. and Bruce Newbold, beloved every bit Thomas in Finding Faith in Christ, here plays the cranky Methodist government minister who failed to show Christian honey to a young seeker later on Truth.

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10 /10

Life and history of the Prophet Joseph Smith

This is by far the most incredible movie I have seen in a long fourth dimension. The actors gave wonderful portrayals of the characters in the movie. The story was accurately portrayed. The story starts out with a young adult female from the British Isles and her father traveling by steamboat to Nauvoo, Illinois. She has become a member of the LDS Church and he has not. He thinks she is ridiculous for making the trip and is discouraging. She encourages him to read about Joseph Smith, the Prophet. This is where the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith begins. The movie accurately portrays his life and some of the history of the LDS Church at the same time. Information technology was graphic at times, just was needed. The emotional expression was very conceivable, which caused my emotions to spill out. Filming was crawly. The way in which the story was presented was touching. After the movie was over, nosotros just saturday at that place unable to moved. I was stunned. For people who know very little of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, I would encourage y'all to see this. If zero else merely to proceeds some understanding of his life. For those who are members of the Church, I would encourage yous to come across information technology. It will increase your testimony of this about incredible man. This is a must see.

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10 /10

Nice Tear Jerker

I saw information technology at the Legacy Theater in the Joseph Smith Memorial Edifice in Salt Lake City this morning. I'm going to assume that one'southward level of enjoyment during this movie will largely be based on one'due south level of credence of Joseph'southward story.

However, that aside it was very well made, well acted, and had a prissy score. If y'all get to Salt Lake City, it is a must to run into it in the Legacy Theater. I have never been in a nicer theater equally far as picture quality, sound quality and ambiance in my entire life...I wonder if the Church would let me watch Batman Begins there! Existence that I'm LDS and regard Joseph as a prophet, I was touched in several places and was brought to tears quite a few times...which I presume is expected since they handed out tissues Before the movie started! Anyhow, I'm told that this film is available in several LDS Visitor Centers around the globe, if you lot have lxx minutes check it out because whether you lot believe Joseph Smith or not, he tells a fascinating story.

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10 /10

The movie was fantabulous

I am stunned at the negative comments that I have read and tin only presume that the people making such comments were less than honest. This is the nearly moving and real portrayal of Joseph Smith that I have always seen. It was well acted to the indicate that at times I forgot that I was watching a movie. It brought Joseph'due south life of hardship, skillful-natured optimism, enduring faith in people and God, and ultimate sacrifice to life such in a way that frankly left me speechless and silent in awe. If anyone, of ANY Christian faith tin can watch this movie without existence touched in some positive style--I would have to say information technology is a reflection of the individual and Non the motion-picture show. I give the moving-picture show a "10" and encourage honest souls to view it. At the very Least information technology is an extremely eye felt portrayal of man who gave everything he had for what he believed...In a world where values and behavior are ridiculed, this movie stands as a enduring reminder of the kind of people nosotros are supposed to exist- no affair what religious beliefs we agree.- Ann Pruitt-

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ten /10

I absolutely loved it!

I really thought they did an *fantabulous* job, there was nothing wrong with information technology at all, I don't know how the commencement commenter could have said information technology was terrible, information technology moved me to tears (I guess information technology moved nearly everyone to tears) simply I attempt non to cry in a movie because information technology'south embarrassing but this one got me. Information technology was SOOO good! I hope they release information technology on DVD because I will definitely purchase a re-create! I feel like information technology renewed my religion and gave me a hope that I tin can't explain, it made me want to strive to be a ameliorate person, they went through so much and we kind of take that for granted, I guess. Compared to that, I feel like our own trials are aught. Well, not nothing, but they inappreciably friction match what they had to get through. I loved it. Who played Emma?!

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8 /10

Worth Watching

I don't know what movie some of these other people watched, merely they must have seen a different "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" than the one I saw.

I think the flick was both well-washed and inspiring. I call up information technology's definitely worth watching. Information technology's apparent from the starting time that a lot of care went into the making of this picture show. The background scenery is beautiful.

I think the film does a good job of portraying Joseph Smith both as a man and as a prophet. Joseph's spiritual experiences are portrayed with taste and reverence.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie.

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ten /10

I really liked this flick.

Alarm: Spoilers

This movie was the best movie I take always seen. Being LDS I highly recommend this motion picture because y'all are able to feel a more agreement most the life of Joseph Smith. Although the moving-picture show was not fabricated with highly acclaimed actors it is a remarkable and life changing pic that can be enjoyed and appreciated by everyone. I saw this movie with my family and I can behave witness that we take all had a alter of heart. This movie allows people to actually empathize how hard the life was for the prophet and how much tribulation he was faced with. After I saw this movie,there was non a single dry out eye in the entire room. Everyone was touched by what they saw and I accept not been the same since I have seen information technology. I highly recommend this moving picture for everyone.

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6 /10

Well acted; Beautiful cinematography; Troubling and inaccurate history

Alert: Spoilers

I personally loved how crisp the picture was and how beautiful many of the nature shots were. The cinematography was merely superb.

Acting was quite well done: especially for the younger Joseph Smith, Jr. and his brother Alvin. Emma plays her role in the motion-picture show quite beautifully.

However, this is film was woefully short of historical accuracy. I cannot recommend it for serious students of the LDS Church building and the life of Joseph Smith.

My three big gripes: 1) Portrayal of Joseph and Emma's Wedlock In reality, Joseph and Emma's marriage was severely strained (quite early in the human relationship I might add together). Polygamy deeply drove a rift between Emma and Joseph. As early on every bit 1833, Joseph Smith began practicing polygamy. The commencement incident set a pattern for following relationships:

Around 1833, Emma and Joseph adopted a young Fanny Alger into their household. Emma loved the dear daughter and -for a while- anybody approved of the Smith household. However, Joseph took Fanny Alger as his wife in private. When Emma discovered this, she threw the girl out of the business firm. Many of the townsfolk had already grown suspicious of Joseph's behaviour with the immature girl and were confirmed past Emma'due south cleaved center.

A more accurate portrayal of Emma would have acknowledge her personal suffering and loss. Not a word creeps into the movie that confirms Joseph was involved in polygamy - despite having married around 31 women in his lifetime.

2) Joseph's Graphic symbol The motion picture, specially in regards to my concluding statement, avoids the questionable aspects of Joseph's character and history. I understand why the LDS church does this merely I am dismayed. Joseph's illegal bank at Kirtland, failed presidency attempt, his personal pride (read the Official History of the Church for examples), criminal history as a youth (he was charged with fraud and drinking glass-looking subsequently conning a near-by farmer as a youth), etc. Very footling of the film shows a balanced portrayal of Joseph Smith, Jr. The best history is accurate history: not such a whitewashed presentation.

In all, the moving picture is beautiful... but is a beautiful fiction. As a picture that in many respects was trying to portray a historical Joseph Smith, it failed.

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10 /10

A tear jerker indeed!

As a catechumen into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I effort to absorb as much every bit I can of my new faith's history. I was invited to attend a showing of this moving picture with my sons & the other young men & women also equally their families of our ward.

On a cute spring evening, we drove to Kirtland, Ohio to the church's historical village located there. We were to have had reservations at the Vistor'south Center to view this moving-picture show. Since my flick viewing was limited to only a few church documentaries, I was intrigued. The just "full length move pictures" of the church's I had seen was "Legacy" and "My Best Two Years", both which I thought were very well written and preformed.

At the beginning, the missionary interpretor passed out tissues stating that several people had been deeply moved to the indicate of tears by this movie. I thought "OK...merely it takes a lot to move me to tears." Imagine my surprise when I institute myself sobbing! It truly is a very moving & inspirational attestation to the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Run across it & believe in it's powerful message!

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i /x

Non Historical

I feel the moving picture did not portray Smith historically. The goal of this picture show was to tell Smith's life in a mode that would be "comfortable" to the LDS Church leaders, historical accuracy seems to have been of niggling concern. The movie was designed to be a "faith promoting" experience, not a balanced view of Smith "as a human being." I have taken it upon myself to written report Smith's life and have read both LDS works and none LDS works. The movie, like most LDS projects, was beautifully filmed and well acted. Still, this was non a realistic portrayal of either the beginnings of Mormonism or Smith's relatively short life.

A significant menstruation of time was given to reenacting an blow that Smith had when he was vii. While this event was no incertitude important in forming his mental outlook, it appears that the primary reason for including information technology in the film is to help institute a sympathetic view of Joseph Smith. Some other point is in portraying Smith'due south teen years the film is silent regarding the Smith family unit's involvement in magical practices during the 1820's. Another trouble is while the movie shows Joseph Smith expert-naturedly inbound into wrestling contests, information technology fails to show how he sometimes lost his temper and became violent.

I could become on and on. This movie was not historical in whatsoever mode and should be considered a fictional motion picture about a man. I would not recommend seeing this picture for whatever other purpose other then entertainment.

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10 /10


Whether you are a member of The Church building of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or non, this film is a must see. The visual and sound effects are spectacular, and the acting is superb. The story is very accurate to history.

The merely existent way to fully appreciate this film entirely is to meet information technology IN the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City. This movie was made specifically for this theater. Therefore, the sound, screen, and over-all experience is somewhat hindered if information technology is viewed elsewhere such as online or on DVD. Do non permit that dissuade you, though in deciding on whether or not to run across this film. Run across information technology wherever and whenever you are able, and if you lot ever happen to visit SLC, see it in the theater that it was filmed for. You volition non regret information technology.

Oh, and no affair what your religion or lack of religion, good luck getting through this pic without breaking down in tears. Information technology is not possible.

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one /10

Complete Whitewashing of History

It would be one matter if this movie was just billing itself as fan fiction. All the same, it is such a complete whitewashing of history that it simply vaguely resembles the Joseph Smith of reality. What the movie doesn't cover:

  • Smith's polygamous/polyandrous marriages (and lifelong public denial of them).
  • Smith's unsuccessful treasure digging by using a "seer stone" that he plant while digging a well.
  • Smith translating the Volume of Mormon using this same seer stone by putting it in a lid.
  • Smith creating the Book of Abraham by translating ancient papyrus that eventually turned out to exist zip nearly Abraham.
  • Smith verifying the authenticity of and translating the Kinderhook Plates (plates that eventually turned out to exist a hoax).
  • Smith ordering the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor's printing press because they exposed his polygamous activities.

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nine /10

Serves its Purpose and Is Beautiful

This motion picture was beautiful. It was full of memorable imagery, skilful acting, and touching discipline affair. It would be very easy to write information technology off as being too sentimental, only that is the sentiments this type of a picture show is trying to achieve. I was totally involved in the story's unfolding and presentation. In that location were a few cheesy shots, but such is to be expected in a religious propaganda motion-picture show. The only complaint I tin conjure is in that location wasn't a ton of details. Withal, this movie wasn't created to explain every element of Joseph Smith'southward life, ministry, triumphs, controversies, failures etc.; information technology was designed for a quick glimpse at a few highlights of ane of the most amazing American and historical religious figures of all time.

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2 /10

Shows only the squeamish parts of the history, avoids the controversies.

Alert: Spoilers

I'm non sure if this review contains spoilers except that it doesn't address the negative side of Joseph Smith that everybody should be enlightened of but, just to be rubber, I add a spoiler alert anyhow.

I watched this movie just at present and am stupefied past the rating of 7.7 and the number of reviewers applauding this. Everyone who does a little enquiry knows that there is much more to Joseph Smith than how he is portrayed in this movie. Joseph Smith was a conman. He was convicted for what he did, betraying people's trust. He also was a polygamist and a pedophile. As such he inspired criminals like Warren Jeffs of the FLDS as the members of the FLDS follow all the original doctrines of Joseph Smith.

I can't believe that the 10/10 reviewers are not aware of this and therefore I can't understand all the praise they are giving to Joseph Smith and this movie. I would similar to hear from a LDS member if they truly believe but this side of the Joseph Smith story and decline to acknowledge the bad things he did or that they merely don't know ameliorate. The last I dubiousness. Please allow me know.

Oh, why 2/x in stead of 1/10? The movie isn't bad enough for a 1 rating. I think there are worse movies out at that place. 2 fits well for me.

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6 /ten

Sight of the eternal?

Prophet Of The Restoration of the Mormon Movie theater is a life study of the founder of the Church Of Christ of Latter Day Saints Joseph Smith who was the middle kid in a big family unit named Smith just trying to scratch out a living on a farm in Palmyra, New York. Back in those days Palmyra was part of what in Western New York Land was chosen the 'burned over' district. Traveling preachers were in fact the only entertainment these people had often the only volume they had in the house was the Bible and the various interpretations thereof these folks heard them all. It was the only entertainment these farmers scratching for a living in the soil like the Smith family had.

According to Joseph Smith he was showtime visited by the eternal when he was 15 and subsequently on was given some gold plated bound books in Hebrew which this barely literate man translated. He did of course take help there. These became the Book of Mormon, a biblical supplement for what became the LDS church building, the story of Israelites who made it to the western hemisphere and of Jesus who made a second visit to that western hemisphere civilisation they started of which we have no archaeological show.

Nathan Mitchell who played Joseph Smith in several films anchors this film with a expert interpretation of the part. As is usual scrupulous detail is given to creating the await and atmosphere of the Jacksonian era in American history where the church was founded and grew.

Gentile audiences will get a adept idea about what makes LDS church what it is today from Prophet Of The Restoration.

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viii /10

Why non include more almost Joseph Smith's controversial statements?

I think the film is educational. However, it fails to treat the upshot which sparked then much controversy: plural marriage. As well, the film fails to reveal what the LDS church espouses. Big opportunity was missed to tell the earth what they actually believe. I could not get a clear idea of what it is LDS views are on key topics of religion.

I have many LDS friends and they are nice people. Would have been nice to get a clearer motion picture of how they view their prophet'southward more controversial statements. Possibly these statements are just too controversial to be treated in a picture show format, but it would have been great to hear the whole story of Joseph Smith's truly interesting life. Afterwards all, it gives insight into American thought on organized religion in the 18th century. Hope they do some documentaries on this fascinating subject, allowing historians to comment on Smith's life. We may accept a Mormon president some day. After all, Smith ran for president.

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10 /x

About the restoration of the gospel in this dispensation.

The most amazing, spiritually uplifting moving-picture show about the restoration of the gospel. Far better than whatever other moving-picture show, or moving-picture show made about the restoration thus far. If you haven't seen it, hop on a airplane to Salt Lake and meet it now. You won't regret information technology! Yous truly go a sense of what the first saints had to struggle through, putting complete and total faith in there prophet Joseph Smith. You finally become some sort of comprehension of the things the prophet had to fight through and the persecutions he and his people faced. If you take any questions virtually the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints and our humble beginnings just lookout man this movie, it will make complete and total sense afterward.

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x /ten

Joseph Smith

This is one of the well-nigh spiritual movies I take e'er seen. I headed upwards with about 150 people to St. George and we saw this pic in the visiting center of the St. George temple.. Not one person had dry eyes in the audience. Also, there were some non- religious and anti-Mormon people in the audience who felt the spirit of the movie and were touched by the captivating music and reenactment of the story of the pioneers and the hardships they faced because of their beliefs.

I recommend this flick for anyone who wishes to understand more near Joseph and the hardships that the pioneers went through. After all, it is autonomously of American History.

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5 /10

Entertaining but silly

I am beingness generous here. The production values are adept and the film is perfectly well put together with an excellent visual quality nigh information technology.

The affair is, as a Christian myself I practise not believe Joseph Smith was a prophet. Those listed every bit prophets in the bible were in my view under divine inspiration from god. That Jesus Christ is the only way to sky.

Simply Joseph Smith engaged in what would be considered verboten and occult practises. He was also a loftier ranking free mason. I am non going to say much more other than if you really consider yourself a Christian masonry is definitely not something you would be involved with. Or rather if Smith really was a prophet he would not have been a mason. Or he would have dropped it then and at that place.

Besides many of the mormon ideas such as people beingness saved retrospectively having not lived as christians is non biblically true. Many of the very conservative advice offered in the bible is in fact in conflict with Joseph Smith.

I consider myself a Christian simply Smith was not genuine. In fact it is likely a lot of the persecution came not because the opponents of Mormons were ridiculous bullies as portrayed in the film. Rather they had a more grounded idea of the bible and did not buy Smith's wacky ideas. In those days people perceived to be preaching doctrine non straight from the bible were considered heretics and they were often dealt with a lot more firmly than the equivalent today.

Heck it was funny though. I simply scout information technology thinking how dumb anyone who buys information technology is.

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x /10

Well done for a wonderful purpose!

Despite reading the "initial comments" from someone who curiously disliked the motion-picture show -- (WHY IS THE But NEGATIVE COMMENT VERY First ON THE LIST?)it was very nice to notation that virtually anybody else loved information technology! Obviously the Church wanted to stress certain points and portray the prophet Joseph Smith in a positive manner ~ thats the whole idea. And in fact, those points were extremely effective. We already know Joseph Smith was homo... merely despite that, AND all of the horrific negative attempts stirred on past the adversary, information technology showed just how he was able to complete a remarkable, God-given piece of work. I'd recommend information technology to anyone!

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10 /10

If you ever wondered nigh the Mormon. picket this.

I am a fellow member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (known equally mormon church, popularly) I absolutely love this movie, and recommend this movie to all, particularly to all those who accept wounded hearts or have had a difficult time. Please go out all preconceptions aside about what y'all may accept heard of united states, merely take a wait at this film and decide for yourself. We believe in Christ, we are Christians, and this motion picture should inspire all Christians and all people really, because information technology is that good. If you take not seen it, i HIGHLY recommend you lookout man information technology, we spend a lot of time watching TV or movies, why not this one.

I know you won't regret it. I know existence of this faith i may be biased you lot don't need to take my word for information technology, feel it yourself.

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2 /10

The only good affair in this movie is the makeup and wardrobe

As a member of the LDS church, I loved this movie growing up. I would show information technology to all my friends and effort to share what i thought was the way to a amend life. As an ex fellow member, this moving picture is very biased and gives off a propaganda feel as well information technology. It's basically a children friendly addition of what actually happened. If you desire to know the churches history there are much more accurate records. The most accurate accounts will be history put out by someone other than the LDS church.

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